Snow Ball Bath Bombs {Sensation Massage Oil Scent}

This super easy recipe makes 2 large bath bombs. It is very moisturizing for dry skin; perfect to use during the winter months.

Whisk together:
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid*
1/2 cup Epsom salts

{*If you do not have access to citric acid I will tell you my secret ingredient that I substitute in place of citric acid; this is 100% natural and is made from citric extracts  and oils. It smells wonderful and works perfectly. The product is Lemi Shine dish Detergent Booster. 1 Bottle is 12 oz. which makes about three of these recipes, or about 6-7 bath balls}

In a separate small bowl mix together:
1 tsp water
3 Tbsp of Sensation Massage oil by Young Living*

{*If you don't have any of the Sensation Massage Oil on hand you are welcome to create a customer account which is FREE and order some directly from Young Living. Simply log onto the website and use my member/sponsor number #1111854 when ordering. Thanks!}

Directions: Gradually whisk both wet and dry ingredients together, blending well. Crush any lumps while mixing until it is generally crumbly but not very lumpy.  Divide into two parts and then form each into a bath bomb. If you have a bath bomb mold it is helpful to use that, if not, you can always improvise by cutting a large plastic Christmas ball ornament in two and using the sides to press the bath salt mixture together and form a ball. Immediately remove from the mold and set aside on a cloth or paper towel to dry for a little while. Wrap up and label (if you wish), or throw one in a hot bath to unwind & relax.

*It's super easy & fun for kids to help with this recipe while being supervised*


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