Camp Fires and Stars

Earlier this morning we opted to save our science study for a peaceful late night reading around a campfire in the back yard after dark. We've been conducting a study of the solar system for a number of weeks and had been wrapping it up for the last week or so, with only a couple of chapters left in the book we are reading, Exploring Creation with Astronomy (Fulbright). The chapter we were in primarily focused on stars, galaxies, and constellations. It is quite amazing to gaze up into the night sky and see the hundreds upon thousands of stars, Orion, the Big and Little dippers-- Polaris, the North star. On another night recently, the kids and I had experienced seeing the Milky Way's softly lighted arm stretched across the expanse. Our minds boggled by how large the Universe really is. If the Universe is so large, God is surely larger, more powerful, the idea of which our small minds can hardly grasp. So tonight as we read by the glow of the fire, my thoughts were captured by something that I found particularly interesting, and renewing, in my awe for God's brilliant creativity; it was a segment in the chapter we were reading which focused on our galaxy-- the Milky Way. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, and we (Earth) are out on one of the arms of the spiral. Scientists have determined that the only location in which a star could have a solar system capable of supporting life is on the arm of a spiral galaxy. Pointing to the idea that our existence is nothing short of a miracle. The earth had to have the perfect size, the perfect rotation, and the perfect environment to support life. The earth needed a medium hot, medium sized, fairly bright sun. Earth also had to be the perfect distance from the sun. Scientists have determined that for any life to survive on a planet, it must be in a spiral galaxy, out on an arm. It is amazing that some people think we are here by accident. The chance of an accident like that occurring anywhere in the universe is almost impossible. Which leads me back to my thoughts of how amazing God's design is, and once more I thank Him for giving us small glimpses into His glory through the design of His creation. "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. - Psalms 19:1-2 Find this book at


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